daiwacrosscasthardgame3| Iron ore prices are strong: steel mills have large room to resume production, and strong expectations for warehouse removal in May

editor 5 2024-04-27

Newsletter summary

The demand for iron ore is improving, the price is strong, and the supply and demand is expected to improve. When the port goes to the warehouse in May, the risk hint is that the return of hot metal is less than expected.

daiwacrosscasthardgame3| Iron ore prices are strong: steel mills have large room to resume production, and strong expectations for warehouse removal in May

Text of news flash

Last week's iron ore market analysisDaiwacrosscasthardgame3Last week, the iron ore market showed that the iron ore market was expected to go out of the reservoir. Driven by the decline in arrival to the port and the rebound of hot metal, the port iron ore price maintained a strong pattern. However, uncertainty over whether steel demand can match high production and the willingness of steel mills to resume production, coupled with seasonally low spreads, has led to expectations that the iron ore market will be dominated by volatility next week. [iron ore price volatility intensified this week, but fundamental demand improved] the iron ore market has become more volatile this week, but the overall situation remains strong. The focus of the core transaction is still focused on the improvement in demand, there is more room for steel mills to resume production, and the demand for iron ore continues to improve. [hot metal output still has room to increase, supply rebounded compared with the previous month] according to hot metal output and steel table demand data, steel mills have plenty of room to resume production, and iron ore demand continues to improve. In addition, the reduction in shipments affected by the weather in April will ease in May, and the decline in port iron ore stocks is expected to increase. [risk hint: the return of hot metal is not as expected or it will lead to a drop in the market] it is important to note that if the resumption of hot metal fails to meet market expectations, the disk price of iron ore may fall, and investors should pay close attention to the related risks.

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